Chisel :
The chisel is a manual tool of free court(cut) used in carpentry. It(he,she) consists of leaf(sheet) of steely iron, of between(among) 4 and 40 mm. Of width, with mouth formed(trained) by a bevel, and handle of wood. His(her,your) length of handle to top is 20 cm aprox. The angle of the edge ranges between the 25-40 º, depending on the type of wood to working: soft(smooth) wood, minor angle; hard wood, major angle.
Punch :
The perforator is the useful prehistoric one on stone chip or on leaf(sheet) in one of whose(which) ends(points) there has cleared up itself an apex sharpened by means of concave retouches, as two adjacent notches. The perforators were in use for perforating matters as the wood or the bone, whereas to pierce skin(leather) or leather is preferable to use punches of bone.

Hex wrench :
It is the tool used to screw / unscrew screws, which have hexagonal interior head. In comparison with a screw philips resists major torques.
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