miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008
jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008

Chisel :
The chisel is a manual tool of free court(cut) used in carpentry. It(he,she) consists of leaf(sheet) of steely iron, of between(among) 4 and 40 mm. Of width, with mouth formed(trained) by a bevel, and handle of wood. His(her,your) length of handle to top is 20 cm aprox. The angle of the edge ranges between the 25-40 º, depending on the type of wood to working: soft(smooth) wood, minor angle; hard wood, major angle.
Punch :
The perforator is the useful prehistoric one on stone chip or on leaf(sheet) in one of whose(which) ends(points) there has cleared up itself an apex sharpened by means of concave retouches, as two adjacent notches. The perforators were in use for perforating matters as the wood or the bone, whereas to pierce skin(leather) or leather is preferable to use punches of bone.

Hex wrench :
It is the tool used to screw / unscrew screws, which have hexagonal interior head. In comparison with a screw philips resists major torques.

Sandpaper :
The sandpaper or simply it(he,she) sands, is a type of paper(role) that has some abrasive material adhered to his(her,your) surface as powders of glass or emery.
It is used to remove small fragments of material of the surfaces to leave his(her,your) smooth faces, since(as,like) in case of detailed of wood, like preparation to do(paint) or to varnish. Also it(he,she) uses for pulir up to eliminating certain caps of material or in some cases to obtain a rough(harsh) texture, as in the preparations for stuck.
Tape rule :
The meter(underground) is the unit of length of the International System of Units.

Open end wrench :
The open end wrench is a tool used to slacken or to fit nuts and screws.

They are manual tools designed to be too tight and to slacken screws, with the particularity of which they can change the opening of his(her,your) jawbones depending on the size of the nut.

Compass :
It is named a compass apart from other concepts to a manual tool that is in use in the workshops of mechanized to plan circumferences and to check diameters of pieces so much exterior(foreign) as interiors.

Putty knife :
A putty knife is a tool that consists of a flat sheet of metal with handle or handle similar to a knife with blunt top.

File :
The file is a manual herramienta of court(cut) consisting of a bar of steel to the carbon moderated with grooves called teeth, and with a hilt called I pinch, that is used to refine and to perfect(tune) all kinds of metallic pieces, of plastic or of wood. It is a basic tool in the works of adjustment.
miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008

Square :
A set square is an instrument of measurement and / or outline that has form of triangle isosceles rectangle, this is with his(her,your) two catetos equal.

Instrument of measurement. It(he,she) rules (instrument)

Sergeant, in some army registers, is a military intermediate degree between(among) the end and the sublieutenant. In some countries it can be a question of the " second sergeant ", if it has been promoted for fulfilling the minimal requirements of antiquity(antique) and performance(discharge) marked by the own(proper) regulation of the institution, or " the first sergeant ", if it(he,she) obtained the degree for merits, though equal it(he) can be promoted by antiquity(antique) in the degree of the second sergeant.

The scissors are a tool of court(cut) used in wide areas of the human activity. It(he,she) consists of two metallic leaves(sheets) sharpened by the interior side, ended in a hollow where they can introduce the fingers, and articulated in an axis(axle) for his(her,your) ends. It constitutes a perfect example of lever of the first double order.

The saw is a tool that serves to cut wood or other materials. It consists of a leaf(sheet) with the toothed edge and manages to hand

A nail or tack is an object thin and lengthened with sharp top done of a hard metal (in general I steel), used to hold two or more objects. A nail can be "fixed" on the material to working using a hammer.

screwdriver :
A screwdriver is a tool that is in use for pressing screws that need little force of press and that generally are of small diameter.

The English key is a tool used to slacken or to fit nuts and screws. The opening of the English key is adjustable (it(he,she) possesses a mobile head) what one allows him(her) to adapt to different measures of screws, this characteristic the difference of the common keys which possess a fixed size.

The pincers are a few indispensable tools in any basic equipment(team) with manual tools because they are very used, since they serve to hold, to turn or to cut. There are many types of pincers, between(among) which it is necessary to emphasize the following ones: universal, of court(cut), of pressure, of flat head, of round head, of extensible opening.
lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008
daniii ! (LLLLLL) :P
olaaaa !*
sigo stando en tecnologia ¬¬
ya qeda menos para bertee :)
este sabadoo! REGATAAAA ! [reMo!]
unn bezote Gnnte(LLLLL)
y hoy... Unn mes cn daniii :D
te amoO!
sigo stando en tecnologia ¬¬
ya qeda menos para bertee :)
este sabadoo! REGATAAAA ! [reMo!]
unn bezote Gnnte(LLLLL)
y hoy... Unn mes cn daniii :D
te amoO!
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